Adam Donnan
14 November 2023

IES publishes Theory of Change

Extract from Theory of Change flowchart

The IES has published a Theory of Change to describe the impacts that we are working towards, and to articulate how our actions are helping to enact the changes needed to achieve those impacts.

Theories of Change are common tools used by charities and non-profits to demonstrate what they are trying to achieve, and how they plan to get there.

The document illustrates the range of activities and outputs of the IES and links these to the desired outcomes, providing a framework for measuring success and highlighting gaps in delivery. It was developed through an iterative process, with input from staff, members and other stakeholders.

We have developed this Theory of Change to ensure that the work we do is focussed on the change we wish to see, and to support continual improvement in our activities through robust measurement of impact. It will also help our members, staff, collaborative partners, funders and other stakeholders to understand the impact that we are seeking and their role within the IES system as changemakers.

Our Theory of Change recognises that the IES is much more than just its staff: our members and collaborations with other organisations are integral to achieving our mission. It will be a vital tool to support us in telling our story, celebrating our successes, and identifying activities that are most impactful. It will therefore play a key role in helping us to understand how we should prioritise our work, guiding the formulation of future strategies and programmes of work.

Read the IES's Theory of Change (pdf)

Analysis from the archive