IES Webinar - Everyone needs greenspace; who is missing out? An Oxfordshire case study

Tuesday, 16 April 2024 - 12:30pm to 1:15pm

There are well known links between health and access to and engagement with green spaces. This is increasingly recognised in environment and health policy, reflected in increasing interest in initiatives such as green social prescribing. However, there is evidence that the most deprived communities have least access to greenspace and that more deprived communities receive greater benefits from greenspace.

This presentation shows the findings of a project which explores published data to identify neighbourhoods in Oxfordshire experiencing both socio-economic deprivation and poor provision of accessible greenspace, with a view to these neighbourhoods being prioritised in terms of planning, and allocation of funding and effort and for improving accessible greenspace.

This free online event is open to everyone.

Our speaker

Martha Crockatt

Dr Martha Crockatt, Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery, University of Oxford

Martha has a background in ecology, with a BSc in Biology and a PhD in Fungal Ecology, both from Cardiff University. Since completing her PhD in 2008, Martha’s research interests have shifted from ecology towards people and nature, exploring how we can "do" nature recovery so that benefits to people and nature are maximised. This shift was initiated through ten years with environmental NGO Earthwatch Europe, a citizen science-focused organisation, where, among other projects, she co-managed a long term forest carbon cycling project, working extensively with citizen scientists from a range of backgrounds.

Martha built on this experience while working with the Oxfordshire Treescape Project, an initiative to support community groups and land managers in nature recovery planning through opportunity mapping, and in her current role with the Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery in which she is exploring equity of access to green space. Martha's research interests are wide-ranging, but centre around people and nature. Martha has a general background in ecology, and expertise in fungal ecology, citizen science, forest carbon cycling, aspects of sustainable agriculture.

Throughout her career Martha has focused on communication, being on the British Mycological Society's Education and Outreach Committee, teaching on Oxford University's Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Survey Techniques course, giving talks at careers events, conferences and lab meetings, and running innovative workshops such as Fungal Ecology for Forest Ecologists and a workshop on using Lego Serious Play to generate innovative research collaborations. Martha has authored papers and reports reflecting the breadth of her experience and research interests, and continues to have an open attitude to exciting new research directions and opportunities.

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