Affiliate Membership

Affiliate icon

What is affiliate membership?

Affiliate membership is for individuals with an interest in environmental issues but who don't work directly in the field. You might be someone who wants to support the voice of environmental science or a student undertaking a non-accredited environmental degree. You may be a professional working in a field that is informed by environmental science such as engineering or environmental law. Members of the public are encouraged to join, signalling their belief in the application of science and professionalism as a way of tackling environmental challenges.

Is it for me?

As an Affiliate Member you will receive all our publications in electronic format. This includes a monthly e-newsletter and our quarterly journal. You will also receive a discount to IES events and online access to the Members' Area. You will also have the satisfaction of supporting an organisation that promotes environmental science across the globe.

Our Values

Values iconsThe IES believes that a scientific approach deepens our understanding of the natural environment and sustainable development. The professions have a vital role in the transition to a sustainable society and it is absolutely essential that this transition is underpinned by sound science.

The IES seeks to lead debate, dissemination and promotion of environmental science and sustainability. We promote an evidence-based approach to decision and policy making and are devoted to championing the crucial role of environmental science in ensuring the well-being of humanity now, and in the future.

In upholding the standards and importance of the profession, we not only act as an advocate for environmental science, but as a catalyst for improvement. We provide an inspirational vision for the profession as a whole, and the strategic direction to implement this.

Committed to excellence, the IES exists to serve its members and the public, and through innovation aspires to distinction in the services it provides.

Affiliate profile

Max is a self-employed translator for the past 9 years, working mainly for the healthcare industry. He took his first science module with the Open University about 10 years ago, because he wanted to increase his knowledge in the field. In the following years, he took a variety of other...

Application form

For applying for Affiliate Membership of the IES.

Who to contact

Lisa Abbott

Office Administrator


Affiliate Costs

Application costs just £12 for a year. This fee is due on application.

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