Application procedure

Applications are assessed by a membership panel which meets monthly.

The IES application form covers Full and Associate Membership. There are separate forms for Fellowship, and Affiliate applications. Student applications are made online.


The points system

Applications to the IES are graded on a points system, with the total made up from a combination of academic and work experience. The decision on the appropriate membership grade is decided by the Application Review Panel (ARP).

Affiliate 0-4 points
Associate 5-11 points
Member 12+ points
Fellow 19+ points & ‘distinction'

Academic experience criteria

Qualification Relevant Non-relevant
PhD 10 5
Masters 7 3.5
PgDip 6.5 3
Bachelors 6 3
Foundation Degree / HND or other Level 5 technical qualification / Level 5 Apprenticeship 5 2.5
Level 4 Apprenticeship/ HNC or other Level 4 technical qualification 4 2
3 A Levels / a T-Level / Level 3 Apprenticeship / other Level 3 technical qualification 3 1.5

Points are determined by the highest relevant qualification e.g. PhD 'trumps' a Masters degree. The IES automatically awards relevance if the course title is included in our list of approved environmental science courses (pdf) which closely aligns with the ES3 Benchmark Statement as well as aspects from other related QAA statements. There are some additional degrees not mentioned on this list that may be considered relevant at the ARP's discretion. However, for courses not listed, applicants may provide justification for how their academic experience has directly furthered their understanding of environmental science, which may lead to the determination of relevance by the assessors. International qualifications should be translated into their UK equivalents (this website may prove useful).

Work experience criteria

Years (and therefore points) accrued whilst in relevant employment signals experience, commitment and achievement in the environmental science sector. Applicants therefore must demonstrate how their work is aligned to the sector.

  • ½ point for every six months relevant work experience at graduate level.
  • Relevant placements may count towards your work experience.
  • The ARP can award points for partial relevance, e.g. a Health and Safety & Environmental Officer may be awarded 1 point for every 3 years work.


    22 days
    until next Review Panel.

    Application forms

    For applying for Full or Associate Membership of the IES.

    For graduates from courses accredited by the IES to apply for Associate Membership at a discounted rate.

    For applying for Affiliate Membership of the IES.

    Who to contact

    Lisa Abbott

    Office Administrator


    Frequently asked questions

    More about the grades

    Each IES member has a grade suited to their experience.