SocEnv Awards Online Ceremony Event

Tuesday, 6 June 2023 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm

The SocEnv Awards will crown the winners for the two prestigious awards: The Environmental Professional of the Year and The Registrant Newcomer of the Year.

We will be recognising those outstanding individuals who have innovated, inspired, and have gone beyond what’s expected in their recent work to protect, preserve, or enhance the environment in the last 12 months. And we want you to celebrate with us!

There will be special lectures delivered during this online award event from:

Prof. Will Pope HonFSE CEnv – Chair of the Board for Society for the Environment – Will will be rounding out his position of Chair highlighting his experiences within the role.
Catherine Burrows CEnv – Head of Waste Management for Sodexo UK & Ireland – Catherine will be speaking on “Plastic vs Food waste: An environmental dilemma“
Victoria Murray CEnv – Associate Director for Tetra Tech – Victoria will be speaking on “Household plastic waste recycling – challenges and opportunities“

So register you free spot today!