Joseph Lewis
2 November 2022

IES launches Climate Affiliate Scheme

Image of Earth with overlaid text: IES launches Climate Affiliate Scheme, support science-led action on climate change

During COP27, the IES is launching a Climate Affiliate Scheme to encourage support for science-led action on climate change. Becoming an Affiliate costs only £12 per year.

Join as an IES Affiliate during COP27 or during the 27 days following the Summit, and you’ll receive a special pack of materials on climate change, as well as an electronic climate badge to demonstrate your support for science-led action on climate change.

As an Affiliate Member you will receive all our publications in electronic format. This includes a monthly e-newsletter and our quarterly journal. You will also receive a discount to IES events and online access to the Members' Area.

When you sign up as a Climate Affiliate, we’ll also send you digital copies of all our latest content on climate change:

  • Our Manifesto for Transformative Change, setting out a vision for transformative climate action;
  • Our Gap Analysis on the UK’s commitments so far and what still needs to happen;
  • Our parliamentary briefing paper on the latest developments with the UK’s Net Zero Strategy and Net Zero Review;
  • Two further briefing papers: “The Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change” and “What transformation means for environmental professionals”;
  • A digital copy of our 2021 Environmental Scientist journal edition: “From climate ambition to action”;
  • We’ll also add you to our Climate Action Community to give you all the latest updates and events on climate change, as well as the mailing list for training opportunities related to climate change.

You will also have the satisfaction of supporting an organisation that promotes environmental science across the globe, as well as the Institution’s work to support science-led solutions to climate change. Our work on environmental policy includes:

  • We maintain relationships with parliamentarians, civil servants, and arms-length bodies, who we influence with briefings, meetings, and other engagement activities;
  • We engage in horizon scanning on emerging science and upcoming policy developments, working with our members to identify policy priorities;
  • We produce policy reports and guidance, developing thought leadership positions and influencing policy agendas;
  • We collaborate with other organisations as part of networks such as the Science Council and the Society for the Environment to represent the voice of the sector;
  • We give expert perspectives in the media and are a UNFCCC admitted observer NGO;
  • We respond to consultations and produce position pieces on emerging policy topics;
  • We produce written content, events, and videos, informing our members and the public about relevant environmental policy issues;
  • We provide training, briefings, and knowledge resources for our members, supporting them to champion their own voices in policy.

Become an IES Climate Affiliate today by getting in touch with the IES team at

Analysis from the archive