Ruth Bowyer
3 June 2015

Schedule 9 Stakeholder consultation now open

You are invited to take part in the consultation to add or remove non-native species from Schedule 9 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981).

Defra and the Welsh Government have asked Natural England and Natural Resources Wales, to work jointly through the JNCC to review Schedule 9 of the act. To do this these statutory agencies have formed a working group with representatives of the environmental NGOs and of the horticulture and pet trade bodies. Consultation with you is part of this process, through which JNCC will make recommendations to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and to the Minister for the Environment in the Welsh Government for changes to the schedule.

The consultation is open and will continue until Sunday 2 August 2015. An Information Pack is avialable on the JNCC web page attached and contains the information you need to enable you to take part in the consultation. Please note that this is an evidence-based process. A proforma is included in the Information Pack and all evidence in support of your proposals should be recorded on the proforma and sent to Ant Maddock by 2 August 2015. Decisions will be based on the evidence provided in the proformae.