Rushlight Show 2018

Thursday, 25 January 2018 - 8:00am to 5:00pm
RGS, London

The 9th Rushlight Show is the leading event for cleantech companies and sustainable solutions to meet investors and financiers, corporate customers, government departments, advisers and intermediaries in the heart of London.

The event highlights are:

  1. The Innovation Showcase of the Cleantech Conference, opened by Claire Perry, Minister of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, with 40 companies presenting their latest cleantech and sustainability innovations.
  2. The Innovate UK Energy Catalyst Round 4 Showcase in the Exhibition, together with the poster exhibition, amounting to over 100 of the latest innovations in cleantech and sustainability.
  3. UK Energy breakfast seminar, where a senior representative from BEIS will provide an update on the strategy for energy in the UK and the whole market will be analysed and the energy revolution explained.  This is a must attend event for anyone with an interest in UK power generation and the energy market.
  4. The Resourceful Conference, in association with LCRN and the Circular Economy Club, which is the market place for the development of the circular economy, with a major opportunity for solutions providers and intermediaries to present to investors, local authorities, government and corporates eager to engage in this space.
  5. The Sustainable Solutions Market Panel, where organisations can present their market-ready products and services directly to a panel and audience of leading sustainability and procurement representatives from corporate UK who are seeking to further their supply chain sustainability and resilience, including NHS, Nestle, Vinci, Unite Students, John Lewis, NSG Group and Heathrow Airport.
  6. A cooked breakfast, lunch and networking opportunities throughout the day.

The total audience for the whole event is expected to exceed 500 and will include cleantech senior management, investors, advisers, corporate customers, sustainability professionals, local authorities, community reuse businesses, trade associations, media and other consultants specialising in the various sectors.  The programme includes over 20 active investors from across Europe, 12 major corporates seeking more sustainable suppliers, leading public sector officials and 60 cleantech companies.

Full event details

Delegate places for the whole show start at £80/ £100/ £150 plus VAT, this event is designed to be both informative and exceptional value for money. 

Who to contact

Derek Jardine

Events & Training Lead

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