16 August 2019

Recognition of land condition experts boosted by IES joining SiLC

The Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) has joined SiLC to support the development and accreditation of land condition experts. 

The move reflects the growth of land condition specialists within the IES membership, which has recently overtaken the other disciplines it supports to become its largest membership constituency. This in turn supports local authorities, landowners and developers in meeting the ongoing demand and growing policy appetite for the reuse of post-industrial brownfield sites. 

The IES joins seven membership organisations who set up the Specialist in Land Condition Register to independently assess and recognise those who have achieved a high level of knowledge, competence and expertise in the investigation, reclamation and remediation of land. Currently there are 197 SiLCs, with 111 also accredited as SQP (Suitably Qualified Person) under the National Quality Mark Scheme (NQMS). The NQMS allows SQPs to sign declarations that land condition reports meet regulatory quality criteria. This is expected to speed up compliance with planning requirements. 

Collectively, SiLCs provide a vital service to the development industry and ensure there is a clear source of competent professionals in the land condition sector. IES joining SiLC is a further example of how professional bodies are collaborating in their shared aim of setting, maintaining and promoting an appropriate standard in land condition expertise. 

Paul Burden, Chair of SiLC’s Professional Technical Panel, said:
We’re delighted IES has joined SiLC. They have long been committed to the same aims as embodied in our organisation and I am sure they will be proactive and progressive partners in supporting and driving excellence in the industry. Our hope and expectation is that they find that SiLC membership will be a great driver for professionals in their membership to become Chartered and seek the top level of recognition that becoming a SiLC represents.

Adam Donnan of IES said:
"Joining SiLC has been something we have been moving towards for some time. We have experienced significant growth in the number of our members who are land condition specialists over the past few years. Therefore, the time is right for the IES to join the collaborative effort to recognise quality in the industry, give our land condition professionals an additional designation to strive for after achieving their Chartership.

Analysis from the archive