IES Forum: Legal Environmental Challenges

Tuesday, 2 June 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

This is the first of a series of online forums where we invite professionals to join us in discussion over topical challenges and developments from across the environmental sector. 

As we enter a new phase of restrictions and responses to COVID-19, the sector needs to remain engaged with the changing nature of regulatory oversight and legal challenges on environmental concerns about developments and planning decisions.

To keep our members ahead of the curve, the first episode of this series will explore how the pandemic has affected environmental issues, planning decisions, and the regulation of environmental risk around developments. In particular, we will be looking at the issues which have arisen during lockdown and the challenges which may arise during the transition into "the new normal".

If you are interested in COVID’s effect on legal challenges, the implications for planning decisions, and getting a broader perspective on how the sector is adapting to changing circumstances, this event will be the perfect opportunity to stay informed.

Our speakers

  • Angus Evers, Partner at Shoosmiths LLP
  • Mark Elton, Founding Director at Aftermap 
  • Alistair Dick, Environmental Manager at Groundsure Ltd


IES member Free
Standard £25






Attendees will receive log-in details the day before the event, these will be circulated to the email address you provided upon registration. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive these by 5pm the day before the event, prior to contacting the office.





Who to contact

Derek Jardine

Events & Training Lead

Email LinkedIn