IAQM Webinar: Driver behaviour changes - how telematics can inform the changing 'new normal' in vehicle emissions in the UK

Wednesday, 16 December 2020 - 12:30pm to 1:15pm

Since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged large societal shifts have altered who travels where, when and why. The reduction in mobility decreased vehicle traffic by about 70% by mid-April according to the Department for Transport (DfT). This led to a marked reduction in emissions from vehicles. These still evolving societal changes continue to impact established driving behaviours variably by location over time. 

This webinar will explore these uncertainties with large scale telematics data offering new insights into changed behaviours impacting the nation's vehicle emissions. This presentation will also detail MobilityIn and novel work in the WM-Air project which incorporates the worlds largest telematics study into vehicle emissions. 

Our speaker

Dr Sam Chapman is the Co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer of The Floow, a globally recognised supplier of telematics solutions with worldwide deployments of mobility data capture and analysis. These support brand name insurance, fleet, and automotive firms but also mobility insights for traffic understanding. The Floow has grown from 2 to about 120 people providing an unprecedented view on road usage and driver behaviours.

Sam, as well as growing The Floow, holds roles representing his region's digital sector, his local chamber of commerce, as well as various parliamentary expert groups. Sam remains personally committed to improving air quality having run many air pollution research projects.




Our webinars are free for all to attend. With the speakers' permission each episode will be recorded and added to our YouTube channel for you to view after the event. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to view these episodes and make sure you do not miss any new episodes. 

Who to contact

Derek Jardine

Events & Training Lead

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