Adam Donnan
27 July 2016

New developments to the IES CPD tool

We are pleased to announce our first major update of the IES CPD tool.

In 2015 the IES launched this new website feature for members to record their CPD online and fulfil the reporting requirements for Chartered Environmentalist and Chartered Scientist.  The tool has proved popular with IES members with 75% of members rating it as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ in the 2016 Membership Survey.

Based on your feedback we have made a number of changes to the tool to improve usability. New features include:

  • The ability to record CPD over multiple dates; perfect for everything from 2-day conferences to 3-month courses.
  • The CPD tool was designed for online use, but Members told us that they like to print their reports for their own records and as evidence for their appraisals.  We have therefore tidied up the print version of the reports to improve the appearance. 
  • A whole host of minor changes including better text wrapping, a more intuitive set up for uploading and viewing your evidence, increased key strokes allowance for reflection, and lots of backend changes that help us manage the auditing process.

The system records CPD on an annual basis. To avoid confusion you cannot enter dates that span two calendar years (e.g. a part time Masters degree). If you want to record CPD activities that fall over two years split the hours and record them as two separate activities.  The tool does not work in older versions of Internet Explorer.  If you are experiencing trouble try accessing it through Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

The tool can be accessed from the dashboard in the Members' Area

We would be very interested in hearing your experience of using the CPD tool. This feedback will help us add new features and improvements to future versions.

Analysis from the archive