Robert Ashcroft; Adam Donnan
June 2015

Membership Survey 2015

The Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) surveys its members annually to identify trends in how different services are valued and to gather members’ opinions on potential new future developments. Here we are pleased to present the findings of our 2015 membership survey.

Over the past year we have made numerous changes based on feedback received in the 2014 survey, including developing an online CPD recording tool, which 78% of users rated as either 'good' or 'excellent'. One of our missions for the remainder of 2015 is to help more members make use of this tool. We've also continued to work on publications reflecting your interests, and are pleased to see that our journals and reports are still very popular, with 89% and 87% of respondents respectively rating them as important.

The survey demonstrates that IES membership is very highly valued, and we are very pleased that 98% of members would recommend the Institution to a colleague.

Our open access commitment
We are firm supporters of open access as we believe we have a moral responsibility to make environmental science widely available to affect change. If you appreciate the availability of this information and have found it useful, please consider
making a donation.