Dan Ward
May 2020

Checking in on our Mental Health

Mental health is important. It is something that we all have, in the same way we all have a state of physical health. When our mental health is in a good state, we can make the most of our potential, tackle what life throws at us and play a full part in our circle of family, friends and communities. But if our mental health is not in a good state, we may lose motivation, feel a mixture of emotions and struggle to participate. It can be hard to understand and accept how we are feeling, and we may feel uneasy opening up to others.

Being in tune with our mental health allows us to check in with ourselves and find out how we’re doing. It can help us identify areas of our lives where a balance is not being struck and areas where we may need support. It’s important for us to take mental health seriously and acknowledge, recognise and respond to cues our bodies may be giving us.

It’s also just as important for us to acknowledge, recognise and respond to cues that come from others. A collective response to mental health helps drive down stigma, facilitates those often much needed conversations and paves the way forward for a mentally healthier world.

Our COVID-19 Impact Report identified that 1 in 3 of our professional members who took part in the survey were either facing, or expected to face, an impact on their mental health as a result of the pandemic. In times of uncertainty such as these, checking on our own mental health and on others becomes even more important.

We want to support our members and the wider community in addressing their mental health. We understand there are many causes of concern and new challenges that you are facing. To help support you and those around you, we have compiled this list of useful resources to understand, respond to and boost your mental health:

As we continue the journey through COVID-19, we've also been alerted to additional resources that might be beneficial, including this submission of a report reflecting on our increased screen time and suggestions on how to mitigate screen fatigue. 

If you have any recommendations for mental health resources that you think should be included, or if there are other ways that we can support you with your mental health during this time, please get in touch.