Paul Nathanail & Roger Clark
October 2019

Webinar: Regulatory and commercial confidence: Smooth as SiLC

The Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) qualification is awarded to practitioners who are chartered (or equivalent) members of professional bodies who have demonstrated, in writing and interview, that they have the depth of skills and breadth of experience to take a leading role in multidisciplinary teams tackling the remediation and/or redevelopment of land.

This webinar, presented by Paul Nathanail and Roger Clark, is intended to introduce practitioners or professionals to the process of becoming SiLCs and SQPs and to raise their awareness of the support offered through the affiliate scheme. Clients and regulators may also wish to watch the webinar as they will benefit from understanding the greater confidence they can have in work carried out under a SiLC and subject to a "declaration of adequacy" under the NQMS.