Land Condition Community

Land condition logo on background of rocky hill

The Land Condition Community is a member-led special interest group of land condition professionals spanning sectors and job types, dedicated to promoting best practice in the specialism. The Community steers the IES activities related to land condition and supports the development of tailored membership services, exploring synergistic collaborations with key stakeholders in the sector where relevant. The Community also has a dedicated network for Early Career Professionals, providing valuable opportunities for professional development and peer-to-peer learning.

The Community is led by a six-person Steering Group. 

Land Condition Signposting Resource

The Land Condition Signposting Resource (LCSR) has been developed by the IES Land Condition Community to provide an initial point of assistance for Land Condition practitioners, of all levels of experience, to locate key information sources across a broad range of topic areas relevant to the Land Condition sector. ​

To complement existing resources in the sector, the LCSR focussed on providing information on key organisations and networks relevant to land condition. It should be used in tandem with other resources to identify specific guidance and/or legislation.​

​This resource recognises the wide-ranging nature of the specialism and aims to signpost to relevant interdisciplinary organisations/networks. In the future we hope to build on the LCSR to provide complementary resources for the air and water specialisms, with an emphasis on cross-cutting organisations. ​

The LCSR is not exhaustive and will be periodically reviewed and added to. We actively welcome feedback on this resource, particularly where there any gaps. Please get in touch with any feedback.​

​Access the resource​ (.xlsx)

Upcoming Events

Monday, 30 September 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Discussing what really matters when building and maintaining resilience, some key techniques to use when feeling stressed and under pressure.
Thursday, 14 November 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Join us for our next Land Condition Community meeting. The Land Condition Community is a member-led special interest

Recent webinars

This webinar series "A day in the life" will share stories and perspectives from environmental professionals working across specialisms and sectors. The series will highlight the breadth of...
In September 2022, SoBRA published a series of three practitioners’ guides which aimed to support informed decision making with respect to vapour intrusion (VI) risk assessment within the UK. The...

Most recent journal on Land Condition

This edition of environmental SCIENTIST explores Britain's natural environment, how we assess its value, and the ecosystem services it provides

Land Condition profile

Jeremy is a freelance contractor for consulting companies in South East England, working primarily in assessing waste streams from construction and demolition sites and undertaking site investigations for contaminated land. This might involve supervising drilling work, groundwater sampling...