From the macro to the micro: analysis from the IES

Alyssa Gilbert
September 2016

There is no doubt that the end of June brought quite remarkable political times to the UK. One of these remarkable events was the Government’s endorsement of the fifth carbon budget, right in the middle of a political leadership debacle. The announcement on the 30th June by Amber Rudd, then...

Gitte Kragh
August 2016

environmental SCIENTIST | They Walk Among Us: The Rise of Citizen Science | August 2016

Millions of people worldwide spend their valuable time engaged in volunteering. Why? It all starts with the concept of motivation and therefore exploring motivations can...

Chloe Fletcher
August 2016

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is fundamental to an environmental professional’s career. It offers individuals the opportunity to augment their ability within the workplace by furthering their knowledge of a discipline, demonstrating professional achievements, enhancing career...

Noel Nelson
August 2016

Dr Noel Nelson, the current Chair of the IES, is an environmental scientist presently working on the role the atmosphere and the weather plays in transmitting a wide range of animal related diseases. Noel has always had an interest in space and astronomy, and in this blog explores what...

Christopher Betts
August 2016

The principal element of my first degree, when ecology was still a relatively new subject, was entitled Ecosystems and Man and Mark Everard’s latest work provides a fascinating compendium of the intellectual revolution that has occurred over the decades since then.  This book...

Robert Ashcroft
July 2016

It has been a complicated, fast-paced, and often frankly confusing month in British politics. There was barely time to take stock of the implications of the vote to leave the European Union on the 23rd June, before we were confronted with leadership battles, resignations, re-shuffles, and re-re-...


Getting to the heart of the issue

Researchers, professionals and members of the IES team provide in depth analysis of news stories, topical issues and emerging science.

Who to contact

Bea Gilbert

Publications Lead
