environmental SCIENTIST | Unearthing global megatrends in land condition | September 2023
Paul Nathanail and Shaun Grey explain the difficulties of remediating sites affected by these complex chemicals.
environmental SCIENTIST | Unearthing global megatrends in land condition | September 2023
Paul Nathanail and Shaun Grey explain the difficulties of remediating sites affected by these complex chemicals.
environmental SCIENTIST | Unearthing global megatrends in land condition | September 2023
Paul Nathanail and Shaun Grey explain the difficulties of remediating sites affected by these complex chemicals.
This year has seen the hottest June on record in the UK, and a multitude of extreme weather-related events and records have been broken globally in the last few years. As I write this (July 2023) Europe is sweltering in the Cerberus heatwave, with record temperatures expecting to be broken in a...
The IES policy team spoke with young professionals and IES student ambassadors to hear their lived experiences of work as early career professionals in the environmental sector, as well as their expectations and hopes for the future. This article tells the story of those experiences....
In January 2023, the UK Government published its Environmental Improvement Plan (EIP) as the first update to its 25 Year Environment Plan. The Plan covers 10 high-level goals, most of which interact directly or indirectly with natural systems, environmental outcomes, and other policy...
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded it’s sixth assessment cycle last month with the publication of the AR6 Synthesis Report. This report brings together the findings of the preceding three reports: